TQY Kobayashi
DesignTech Studio
趣味は合気道とロードバイク、そして読書 。
- HAL大阪 ゲーム4年制学科 ゲームデザインコース専任教官
- 大阪芸術大学 デザイン学科 デジタルアーツコース 客員教授
- 神戸市西区 竹の台地域委員会 コミュニティデザインアドバイザー
- 共著『情報デザインの教室』(丸善出版、2010)
TQY Kobayashi
I had been providing "fun and new experiences" to the world
as a designer through UI/UX design, art direction and music video of video games for more than 20 years.
In the future, I would like to create more unique lifestyles from our design lab "yahaco", which mainly produces avatars for the metaverse.
Hobbies include Aikido, road biking, and reading books.
- Osaka University of Arts Visiting Professor
- HAL Osaka Teacher
- Takenodai Community Committee CXO(Chief Experience Officer)
- Co-authored " Classroom of Information Design " (Maruzen, 2010, under the pseudonym Nestor)
『八箱』 というこれからの私の取り組み
メタバースにおけるアバター / Avatars for the Metaverse
「Video GameのUIにおいても仮想の身体性は存在する」と考えてデザインをしてきた私にとって、
As I have been designing Video Game UIs with the idea that virtual Embodiment,
I find avatars in the metaverse very interesting and fun.
We started a design lab called "yahaco" in order to research avatar designs
that have attractive personality and be able to still be accepted by a wide range of people.
Of course, I am excited about not only the appearance of the design,
but also the information display, the feeling of operation using the avatar,
and "Expansion of Embodiment".