TQY Kobayashi
DesignTech Studio



趣味は合気道とロードバイク、そして読書 。

  • HAL大阪 ゲーム4年制学科 ゲームデザインコース専任教官
  • 大阪芸術大学 デザイン学科 デジタルアーツコース 客員教授
  • 神戸市西区 竹の台地域委員会 コミュニティデザインアドバイザー 
  • 共著『情報デザインの教室』(丸善出版、2010) 

TQY Kobayashi

I had been providing "fun and new experiences" to the world
as a designer through UI/UX design, art direction and music video of video games for more than 20 years.

In the future, I would like to create more unique lifestyles from our design lab "yahaco", which mainly produces avatars for the metaverse.
Hobbies include Aikido, road biking, and reading books.

  • Osaka University of Arts Visiting Professor 
  • HAL Osaka Teacher 
  • Takenodai Community Committee  CXO(Chief Experience Officer)
  • Co-authored " Classroom of Information Design " (Maruzen, 2010, under the pseudonym Nestor) 

『八箱』 というこれからの私の取り組み

メタバースにおけるアバター / Avatars for the Metaverse

「Video GameのUIにおいても仮想の身体性は存在する」と考えてデザインをしてきた私にとって、

As I have been designing Video Game UIs with the idea that virtual Embodiment, 
I find avatars in the metaverse very interesting and fun.
We started a design lab called "yahaco" in order to research avatar designs
that have attractive personality and be able to still be accepted by a wide range of people.
Of course, I am excited about not only the appearance of the design,
but also the information display, the feeling of operation using the avatar,
and "Expansion of Embodiment". 

デザイナーとしてのスキル:私の経歴 / Skills as a Designer: My Background


Through many years of involvement in arcade game UI design, I have gained expertise in creating interfaces that are show-uped at a glance, satisfying and quick to select, and fun. Please consult with me. 

Music Video

今後は八箱にて、アバターを活用したMusic Videoの作成に取り組みます。 

Using various techniques such as 3DCG, conposit, hand-drawing, and stop-motion animation of real models, I have created music videos for a wide range of genres, from fun pop songs to slightly shocking songs. 

 Art Direction


Proposal and unification of the world vision and visuals of the contents. Management of design  for everything from product UI to promotions, goods, web-pubrisities and brand image. The booking of external creators and production management. 

デザインによる貢献 / Contributing through design: My professional mission 

デザイナーの専門職 教育 / Professional Education for Designers

新卒入社のデザイナーへの専門職教育に長年従事。地域コミュニティにおけるAdobe Illustrator習熟のワークショップ定期開催中。デザイン専門書共著、講演、ヒューマンインタフェース学会員、HCD-net関西 運営委員。2022年よりHAL大阪専任講師就任。2023年より大阪芸大客員教授を兼任。教育の現場は異なっても、専門職としてデザイナーを目指す人を全面的に支援していきます。 

Providing professional education to newly graduated designers for many years. Adobe Illustrator workshops everyweek in communitie. 
Co-authored book and lectures. Lecturer at HAL Osaka since 2022. 

地域におけるデザインの役割 / Mission of Design in the Community

2022年より神戸市西区・竹の台地域委員会 コミュニティ デザイン アドバイザーに就任。誰もが楽しく価値ある情報発信を行う、地域の情報化を目指しています。

Since 2006, I have been giving publish a communitypaper, design art work of the local character, various apparels and goods in Takenodai, West Kobe. In 2022, Aappointed CXO of the Takenodai Community Committee to improve the experience of 9,000 local residents.